集微访谈 | Roger A. Grimes:量子加密的终局之战,芯片法案成业内圣经?

来源:爱集微 #集微访谈# #量子科学# #芯片法案#

在往期的集微访谈栏目中,爱集微有幸采访了专门研究主机安全和防止黑客和恶意软件攻击方面的资深人员Roger A. Grimes。他并曾担任 Foundstone 的讲师和渗透测试人员。集微访谈就关于美国芯片法案和量子科学等领域提出了一系列问题,并收到了十分有启发的答复。
























QSo my first question would be last month, chinese researchers claim that they have found a way break encryption using quantum like computers. According to you, like, it's a huge claim. So could you elaborates like, how huge do you think that is?

ASure, I it's a big hit. The paper still has to be proven to be complete and accurate. And that's a big if because there's a lot of critics saying that there's issues, but if it's proven to be true and complete, it's really huge. It's probably one of the biggest computing solutions ever.

The reason why is right now, we think to break today's what's called asymmetric encryption that's public private key encryption that runs most of the internet. It's what's used in wifi. It's used in loggins. It's really asymmetric encryption used probably 95 % of our digital lives.

The current known algorithm that breaks that encryption known assures algorithm that was invented in 1994, says that you really need about 9,000 quantum bits or cubits, but they have to be stable cubits. And we can't make stable cubits right now.

So in reality, it would probably take hundreds of thousands to millions of cubits to be able to break today's asymmetric encryption, what the recent Chinese paper, which was released in December 2022, says is that we can break that same encryption with 372, even regular cubits, noisy cubits.

t really decreases The work effort needed from a potentially hundreds of thousands and millions of cubits to just 372. If that paper is accurate and true, and there will likely be this year, a quantum computer that breaks some asymmetric encryption problem.

It would actually even create a bit of a panic, because very few of our companies around the world are prepared for this quantum encryption break, where the matter fact we've been told we have till 2033 or 2035 that we have 10, 12 years to prepare.

But if this Chinese paper is correct, then it means we have to get it done now, and it's gonna create a massive Y2K problem where every company is going to have to be updating the computer systems, replacing devices. It's really gonna be one of the most challenging digital upgrades the world has ever faced.

QLet's talk about Europe. So you is plotting more legal regulations concerning smart home and also IoT cyber security. Therefore, as far as the big tech company, companies like apple, amazon, nokia, as concerned. So what are the main challenges for their setup of app platforms?

AIn general, for our smart home and our in our IoT devices, most of them are fairly insecure. I don't think there's anything we can do to stop them from being insecure, and there's lots of stuff we could do. But I think that the industry is going to move along faster and not do as much security as they should. It seems many times that we are doomed to repeating the same lessons, like we've learned about all the attacks and hackers and now where and what they can do against personal computers.

And then the same thing is happening with mobile phones. We're seeing the same attacks and the same mail where and it's almost like we learn nothing from computers. The same thing is happening with IoT and smart home technology is that all kinds of devices and IoT devices are being released without thoreau, security considerations, and certainly, they are going to be hacked and hacked and hacked.

There's lots we could do to do it. We could be thoughtful and try to design and deploy them in a more secure way. But people in companies are more interested in getting the technologies out there than they are in slowing down to make them more secure before they offer them to consumers.

The sad thing is that we're going to see lots and lots thousands of not millions of different types of devices hacked and abused and used against us.

QSo my next question will be, so recently, like the dell CTO claimed that in 2023, there will be a quantum computing way for the first time, like most interpret, enterprises are going to be able to start to deploy quantum shape protocols. So do you agree with him? Or let's say, could you make a focus like where there be some technological breakthrough of quantum computing?

AI think at least what's publicly known is we're gonna have many quantum computers with hundreds, if not thousands of cubits this year. And already there's lots of cloud quantum computers with smaller number of cubits. Those number of cubits will just increase. So I don't know if every company have a quantum computer. I don't think that's gonna happen in 2023. But I think any company that wants to rent time on a quantum computer is gonna have greater opportunity to do so. Again, I don't see widespread quantum technologies this year, but I do think there is going to be a sharp increase in the use of quantum computers.

Again, not in every company, but you already have hundreds of rudimentary quantum computers around the world. That number is only going to increase into the many of hundreds, if not thousands this year and probably next. And they're only going to continue to get stronger and stronger and stronger. So I think he's right. And that there are gonna be more companies using quantum capabilities this year, although it's still very rudimentary. But we're starting to see a large number of quantum networks deployed. We're starting to see more quantum protocols, more quantum protections, more quantum based protections that are being created started to be deployed.

So I certainly think the 2023 is gonna be a year we're gonna see a whole lot more of it than we ever saw before. But I don't know if it's gonna be a wave where every single company is using a quantum computer. Most organizations, most companies don't even know what they would do with the quantum computer if they got one. But I do think we're gonna see a sharp increase use in quantum and quantum technologies and quantum protocols this year.

QAll right. So my last question would be so when the chips and signs act, like when it got passed, much of the attention was drawn by semiconductor investment. But to some extent, quantum technology could be accelerated by government funding programs, such as like the building of national quantum initiative and national Institute of Standards and Technology.

AYeah, so I think, in general, any time, any government, whether it's the United States or Australia or the UK or China, anytime the government provides funding and provides incentives to invest in any computer technology, it benefits the citizens in the world.

In general. That's the same thing that chips and science act is that it's trying to encourage investment. And the chips in science act is trying to encourage domestic investment, which I don't think is necessarily a bad thing in the United States.

We we didn't have a whole lot of our chip making facilities. So part of that act was to encourage more chips being built domestically, which is never a bad thing. Every country wants to be able to make its own chips and computers and that sort of stuff.

But I think the money anytime you spend money on it, it's not only gonna encourage and increase a computer incentives and inventions and be domestic country, but also externally to other countries.

As different companies discovering, use and do more things that encourages investment in other countries as well. So I think it that it ultimately benefits us all anytime that any government spending money on trying to push digital initiatives.

责编: 武守哲
来源:爱集微 #集微访谈# #量子科学# #芯片法案#



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