ijiwei Talk EP51: Does India have a future for chip manufacturing?

来源:爱集微 #ijiweiTalk# #JWInsights#

As many governments started to invest in domestic semiconductor supply chain and manufacturing, Indian government also launched up to $6.7 billion to encourage electronic manufactures in India along with other semiconductor incentives. However, IC industry is a much more capital incentive area than software outsourcing business, which India has succeeded in. In this video, JW Insights invited Dr. Michael Cusumano from MIT Sloan School of Management to talk about India’s future regarding chip manufacturing. Dr. Cusumano has served as editor-in-chief and chairman of the MIT Sloan Management Review and writes regularly on Technology Strategy and Management for Communications of the ACM. He has also studied business modes of semiconductor companies for over 30 years.

责编: 刘燚
来源:爱集微 #ijiweiTalk# #JWInsights#



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